Frequently asked questions.


How do I place an order?

DM me over Instagram, use the order form, or email me at If you know me personally, feel free to text! We will discuss pick up days/times/location (in Centreville, VA) and payment then as well.

What are your order policies?

Everything is made to order. Kindly provide me with at least 3 days notice for small orders (generally 1-2 items) and 7 days for a bigger order (multiple items). For bulk orders (events, corporate gifts), please give me at least 3 weeks. I’ll let you know as soon as possible if I’m fully booked. Rush fee may apply otherwise.

Can I bring my own reusable container?

If based locally, yes! Bring any clean container (for macarons and cookies only) and I’ll give you a discount! Please let me know at the time of ordering. Let’s reduce waste together~


What is a macaron?

Macarons are French cookies made of meringue, almond flour, and powdered sugar.

These are then sandwiched together with a filling, typically a chocolate ganache, buttercream, or jam.

Not to be confused with macaroons, which are a coconut-based cookie ball.

How should I store my macarons?

Macarons can be stored in refrigerator for up to a month or in a freezer for up to three months (if kept in an airtight container).

How should I serve my macarons?

Take the macarons out of the refrigerator and let sit in room temperature for 10- 15 minutes. Texture should be nice and soft. If it’s not, leave out for a couple more minutes.

How often do you offer your seasonal box sets?

I aim for twice a season, but sometimes I’m only able to offer it once.